Monday, August 31, 2009

controlling impressions

the person that i chose to write my biographical narrative isn't really the most creative but it's my best friend ever, Michelle!! she's absolutely amazing in every single way possible! i don't think anyone could call her normal because well dang she isn't and i love that about her. we've been besties since the 7th grade even though we met in like 5th(but we didn't exactly talk.) for us that's like FOREVER since unfortunately we've had a lot of friends come and go in the short time that we've know each other. all and all she's always been my bestie without her i most deffinetly wouldn't be the person i am today. she's shown me to take chances even if it means that i might get hurt again and not give a frick about what other people think. she's gotten me through some pretty rough patches in my life but in the end made me laugh and forget about the world. i love how she can make fun about herself, like her ears that poke out of her hair, and use sarcasm like it's just the thing to do! she always knows how to make me laugh even if im crying like a baby. you really can't help but bust up when she's around or if you're even just texting her!