Friday, October 30, 2009

horror movies

sweeny todd is my favorite even though its not really a horror movie more of a suspence or gore. it wasnt very scary to me because im use to gore and blood and guts dont really scare me.they used disolve and where they show the person and another image on top

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

hays code

1. halloween 2
Murder scenes had to be filmed in a way that would discourage imitations in real life, and brutal killings could not be shown in detail. "Revenge in modern times" was not to be justified.
2. taken
"Scenes of Passion" were not to be introduced when not essential to the plot. "Excessive and lustful kissing" was to be avoided, along with any other treatment that might "stimulate the lower and baser element."
4. inglorious bastards
Murder scenes had to be filmed in a way that would discourage imitations in real life, and brutal killings could not be shown in detail. "Revenge in modern times" was not to be justified.
5. suicide king
  • Methods of crime (e.g. safe-cracking, arson, smuggling) were not to be explicitly presented.
5. spy game
"Scenes of Passion" were not to be introduced when not essential to the plot. "Excessive and lustful kissing" was to be avoided, along with any other treatment that might "stimulate the lower and baser element."
6. hurricane
  • The language section banned various words and phrases that were considered to be offensive.
7. friday
  • The depiction of illegal drug use was forbidden, as well as the use of liquor, "when not required by the plot or for proper characterization."
8. madea goes to jail
  • The language section banned various words and phrases that were considered to be offensive.
9. sweeny todd
Murder scenes had to be filmed in a way that would discourage imitations in real life, and brutal killings could not be shown in detail. "Revenge in modern times" was not to be justified.
10. saw 2
Murder scenes had to be filmed in a way that would discourage imitations in real life, and brutal killings could not be shown in detail. "Revenge in modern times" was not to be justified.
11. house bunny
  • The language section banned various words and phrases that were considered to be offensive.
12. breakfast club
  • The language section banned various words and phrases that were considered to be offensive.
13. Juno
  • The language section banned various words and phrases that were considered to be offensive.
14. terminator
Murder scenes had to be filmed in a way that would discourage imitations in real life, and brutal killings could not be shown in detail. "Revenge in modern times" was not to be justified
15. shakespear in love
"Scenes of Passion" were not to be introduced when not essential to the plot. "Excessive and lustful kissing" was to be avoided, along with any other treatment that might "stimulate the lower and baser element."
16. 18 year old vergin
  • Nakedness and suggestive dances were prohibited.
17. bank job
  • Methods of crime (e.g. safe-cracking, arson, smuggling) were not to be explicitly presented.
18. i now pronounce you chuck and larry
  • References to alleged sex perversion (such as homosexuality) and venereal disease were forbidden, as were depictions of childbirth.
19. underworld
  • "Scenes of Passion" were not to be introduced when not essential to the plot. "Excessive and lustful kissing" was to be avoided, along with any other treatment that might "stimulate the lower and baser element."
20. 007
  • Methods of crime (e.g. safe-cracking, arson, smuggling) were not to be explicitly presented.

gangster movies

i think americans like gangster movies because its kind of hardcore, grungy, and all american. they're about americans unlike most movie at the time that took place in germany or other european countries. we like the violence and blood thirst. we have gangsters and for some reason think they're interesting so we're drawn to them. dont have any favorite gangster movies

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

practice test

Buster Keaton

  1. Why does he keep a serious face?
he thought that it would make it more funny
  1. Why is he like Chaplin?
he uses stunts
  1. How does he perform his stunts?

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

  1. What is the significance of the set design?
he uses real places unlike chaplin who uses like a movie set
  1. What was different from German Expressionism acting than from Hollywood?
they use more realistic acting and more different kinda of effects
  1. How does lighting set the mood in the film?

Modern Times

  1. Why did Charlie Chaplin base his movie Modern Times on the Great Depression?
to show how the regular people were more effected by it unlike the "man" and police and the high officials.

  1. What other important movie did Eisenstein direct? (Look on the wiki)
  1. How does Eisenstein use the film to develop his theories of film structure?
He uses the film to further develop his theories of film to develop his theories of film structure by using a concept he described as "intellectual montage".
The Last Laugh

  1. Why did Murnau decide to use German Expressionism to this film?

  1. Why was the movie made silent?

  1. What type of lighting did they use?


1. True or False-Freder was in love with both "Robot Maria" and "Maria"?
2. Fill in Blank:(Blank) trades places with one of the workers for a day?
  1. True or False-One of the villains in the movie was named "Rotwang"?
4. Why did Rotwang originally create his robot?
for his boss
5. Who did Rotwang change the robot to look like?
6. Who did Joh Fredersen send to spy on his son.
a worker