Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Master of Suspense

Hitchcock knows how to create suspense uniquley and does it perfectly.
He used close ups to create more emotion,

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Showdown

he used a lot up jump shots before the guys started shooting at each other. he used wide angle shots and close ups on each of the characters and their hands next/near the guns.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Film Festival Reflection

I thought cost of a soul was a very good movie. i kinda could connect like how they used the lighting and how they filmed some of the shots. i wouldnt change anything about the film i thought it was amazingly made.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

film noir slang

Joe: Hey baby, been a while hasn't it?
Beca: Apparently not long enough.
Joe: Don't barber me like that bim!
Beca: *laughs when did you start using so much slang joe?
Joe: Since you left me behind the eight-ball and my ass landed in the big house.
Beca: Oh stop it. You really think I could have done anything for you?
Joe: Yes! I do!
Beca: You're such a boob! And stop talking so loud your going to get us kicked out.
Joe: What happen Beca?
Beca: I'll tell you what happen. You became a dope peddler.
Joe: But I'm back now! And im clean! Got some dough too.
Beca: Does it look like I care? You're still a boob. Thinking that you can just come looking for me and think that if we talked enough things will be fine again? No. I don't think so. So why don't you just take your precious dough, drif outa here, get a drive and show me that you've changed maye then I'll consider thinking about you
Joe: Fine... *stands up I'm still pissed as hell at you Beca but im dizzy with dame baby. Hope you remember that

Monday, February 22, 2010

International Cinima vs. Hollywood Cinima

Hollywood Movies: Casablanca, His Girl Friday, Angels with Dirty Faces, Rebal Without a Cause, on the water front, the last laugh,
International Movies: Bicycle Thief, Children of Heaven, 400 blows

Both use black and white and try to use more realistic acting. Hollywood movies always have to have a good guy and bad guy and the good guy always has to win there is also a lot more censoring. In international movies the children usually play a bigger part, things are filmed on location, deels with real issues that are going on in the country and are usually on a lower budget.

Method Acting

Method acting is a form of acting that helps the actor to create real emotion and thoughts in an imaginary situation. The Method is used widely used by American actors. Method acting uses relaxation, sense and emotional memory, and concentration.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Marlon brando

He's the only actor to use his hands while he acts and is always doing something. Whether its playing with a glove like in the scene at the park when he picks up the girls glove or just fidgeting with something. He always seems to be doing something.