Friday, September 25, 2009

1.They're classics, everyone agrees, but that word "classic" has become terribly cheap in relation to movies. It's applied so promiscuously that by now the only thing you can be sure of about a "film classic" is that it isn't actually in current release. - Ebert
2."The cinema IS Chaplin." He had proven his greatness in every possible way;-Ebert
3. go to a lot of movies, and I can't remember the last time I heard a paying audience actually applaud at the end of a film. But this one did-Ebert
4. "Modern Times" was Charlie's first film after five years of hibernation in the 1930s. He didn't much like talkies. - Ebert.

parallel sequencing

the two talk about the mother and father. they both start talking about the mother and what she's like the second part talks about the dad.

1. starts talking about the very beginning of his morning then to breakfast.
2. he talks about how amazing the day is and uses words such as golden bars, eagerly, and delightful the second has words like blood shot, terrible glare, and hung over.

Tyler didn't always know what words to or to not say much less when was the apropriet time to say them. i got attached to him so fast and fell so hard when he was gone. we fought a lot thinking back there's a lot of things i could have changed but its far to late now.
Gabe put a smile on my just about every time we talked or text no matter what time it was, It took a while before he was my best friend but eventually he found a way to wiggle into my heart. miss him like CRAZY even though it's only been a day. im sorry for what i said.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

integrated comparison or metropolis, modern times

modern times and metropolis are almost two completely different movies, but there are still quiet a few similarities. Both of them were were silent films created in the early 1900's and in black and white. Though modern times had some sound effects it was still a silent film as was Metropolis but there were no sound effects so it was a completely silent film. They both had the similar idea of workers or citizens being the work horses and suffering while the higher class or 'the man' stay above everyone.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


my favorite comedy would have to be juno! ive probably seen it a thousand times and have all the words and songs memorized (yeh kinda odd i know). i dont really like ace ventura like the mask more. uuh i dont think i like british comedies? teen and stunt comedies are freaking hilarious!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

1st anecdote

winter of eighth grade my life took a turn that i don't want to remember much less ever talk about. it was lunch time in the forum at castillero a day or so after the night it happened, michelle's little eyes darting left and right trying to help me find my ex-boyfriend at the time ray. we had been talking for a while about getting back together and michelle thought that i would be a good idea to tell him what happened. 'where is that big good for nothing....' michelle mutterd until her eyes just about popped out of her head, 'found him!' couple minutes later it was me, him, and the chilly winter air. i tried my hardest to explain to him what had happened without crying but even if i had cried i still don't think he would have showed any emotion about what i was talking about. all he did was stand there, stand there and not care. i didn't realieze that i had started getting louder and louder and that my eyes had began to water 'what is wrong with you?! for someone that's supose to love me so much why don't you care?! why don't you care?!' all he did was stare off beyond the hills. so i left him there and almost ran down the hall. sure enough michelle was right at my heels trying to get me to stop. she realized that i wasnt going to stop so she just let me walk and tried talking to me, but she knew what i wanted to hear, she knew that all i wanted was for him to care to hug me and say it would be all right so she just talked me down till the tears stopped streaming down my face.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

science fiction

independence day, star wars, star trek, alien vs. predator, terminator, day after tomorrow, i am legend, iron man, hulk

space ships, aliens, science gone wrong, genetic monsters

Friday, September 4, 2009

film review

#1 lumiere, arrival at the train station la criotat
#2 melies
#3 d.w. griffith, cross cutting, iris
#4 eisenstein, montage
#5 the cabinet of doctor caligari, wiene, chiarossuro

Thursday, September 3, 2009

2nd anecdote

about a month ago michelle jarvis and i were waiting for our friend christina to show up at the food court where we always meet near the movies. michelle and i were buisy making faces at each other when my current boyfriend pointed out one of my ex boyfriends, josh. my eyes immediately started to tear and i could feel the scar tissue from his back stab reopen. remembering how he just dropped us like we were garbage, forgetting that he promised no matter what, even though we had broken up, he would still be our best friend. the urge to punch his smiling face in consumed me. 'Dude i swear if security wasn't standing right next to those..... i would go and make them cry.....,' and michelle being michelle just let out the longest stream of curse words i have ever heard, the combination of her lil voice and all the vulgar language just made me burst with uncontrollable laughter. She looked at me like i was some crazy person but i could tell she knew why i was laughing. she almost always knew how to make me laugh when things like ex boyfriends that hurt us both randomly showed up.