Thursday, September 3, 2009

2nd anecdote

about a month ago michelle jarvis and i were waiting for our friend christina to show up at the food court where we always meet near the movies. michelle and i were buisy making faces at each other when my current boyfriend pointed out one of my ex boyfriends, josh. my eyes immediately started to tear and i could feel the scar tissue from his back stab reopen. remembering how he just dropped us like we were garbage, forgetting that he promised no matter what, even though we had broken up, he would still be our best friend. the urge to punch his smiling face in consumed me. 'Dude i swear if security wasn't standing right next to those..... i would go and make them cry.....,' and michelle being michelle just let out the longest stream of curse words i have ever heard, the combination of her lil voice and all the vulgar language just made me burst with uncontrollable laughter. She looked at me like i was some crazy person but i could tell she knew why i was laughing. she almost always knew how to make me laugh when things like ex boyfriends that hurt us both randomly showed up.

1 comment:

  1. You have a way with words, Malaya (but be sure to capitalize and spell check when you convert this to your final draft). I enjoyed this story, though some background details might be nice. What sort of "back stabbing" happened with Josh? And how did that hurt both you and Michelle? Your readers will want to know more details, and you've certainly got the writing talent to give them to them.
